To be placed within .onAttach to auto load an authentication file from an environment variable.
gar_attach_auto_auth(required_scopes, environment_var = "GAR_AUTH_FILE")
required_scopes | A character vector of minimum required scopes for this API library |
environment_var | The name of the environment variable where the file path to the authentication file is kept This function works with gar_auto_auth. It is intended to be placed within the .onAttach hook so that it loads when you load your library. For auto-authentication to work, the environment variable needs to hold a file path to an existing auth file such as created via gar_auth or a JSON file file download from the Google API console. |
Invisible, used for its side effects of calling auto-authentication.
Other authentication functions:
if (FALSE) { .onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname){ googleAuthR::gar_attach_auto_auth("", "US_AUTH_FILE") } ## will only work if you have US_AUTH_FILE environment variable pointing to an auth file location ## .Renviron example US_AUTH_FILE="/home/mark/auth/urlshortnerauth.json" }