This can be used at the top of the server function for authentication when you have used gar_shiny_ui to create a login page for your ui function.

In some platforms the URL you are authenticating from will not match the Docker container the script is running in (e.g. or a kubernetes cluster) - in that case you can manually set it via `options(googleAuthR.redirect = http://your-shiny-url`). In other circumstances the Shiny app should be able to detect this itself.




Shiny session argument


If using gar_shiny_ui, put this at the top of your server.R function

See also

Other pre-load shiny authentication: gar_shiny_auth_url(), gar_shiny_login_ui(), gar_shiny_ui(), silent_auth()


if (FALSE) { library(shiny) library(googleAuthR) gar_set_client() fileSearch <- function(query) { googleAuthR::gar_api_generator("", "GET", pars_args=list(q=query), data_parse_function = function(x) x$files)() } ## ui.R ui <- fluidPage(title = "googleAuthR Shiny Demo", textInput("query", label = "Google Drive query", value = "mimeType != 'application/'"), tableOutput("gdrive") ) ## server.R server <- function(input, output, session){ # this is not reactive, no need as you only reach here authenticated gar_shiny_auth(session) output$gdrive <- renderTable({ req(input$query) # no need for with_shiny() fileSearch(input$query) }) } # gar_shiny_ui() needs to wrap the ui you have created above. shinyApp(gar_shiny_ui(ui), server) }