To be placed within .onAttach to auto load an authentication file from an environment variable.

gar_attach_auto_auth(required_scopes, environment_var = "GAR_AUTH_FILE")



A character vector of minimum required scopes for this API library


The name of the environment variable where the file path to the authentication file is kept

This function works with gar_auto_auth. It is intended to be placed within the .onAttach hook so that it loads when you load your library.

For auto-authentication to work, the environment variable needs to hold a file path to an existing auth file such as created via gar_auth or a JSON file file download from the Google API console.


Invisible, used for its side effects of calling auto-authentication.

See also

Other authentication functions: gar_auth_service(), gar_auth(), gar_auto_auth(), gar_gce_auth(), get_google_token(), token_exists()


if (FALSE) { .onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname){ googleAuthR::gar_attach_auto_auth("", "US_AUTH_FILE") } ## will only work if you have US_AUTH_FILE environment variable pointing to an auth file location ## .Renviron example US_AUTH_FILE="/home/mark/auth/urlshortnerauth.json" }