R setup

To enable package tracking in your R package you need the following:

  1. Add your API secret and measurementId to a .trackme environment within your package. These are public so it is possible for people to use them to send data.
.trackme <- new.env()
.trackme$measurement_id <- "G-1234"
.trackme$api <- "_hS_7VJXXXXXXX"
  1. Document usage of mp_trackme() (or a wrapper function) that will let end-users opt in to tracking.

Since you know the package name, it is recommended to wrap the functions above with the package filled in e.g. this package uses mp_opt_in() to ask for opt-in for its own stats (meta)

mp_opt_in <- function(){
  1. In an .onAttach start-up function add: measurementProtocol::mp_trackme_event() which will check for an opt-in file and send a message if it is not present, or if it is present will send the tracking event. Also add in the name of your opt-in function to appear in the startup message:
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname){
  measurementProtocol::mp_trackme_event(pkgname, opt_in_function = "mp_opt_in")

GA4 setup

You need to add the custom definitions that will be sent in the tracking events. They are shown below:

  • package - the package name and version as returned by paste(package, utils::packageVersion(package))
  • r_locale - the locale as returned by utils::sessionInfo()$locale
  • r_system - the system as returned by utils::sessionInfo()$running
  • r_platform - the platform as returned by utils::sessionInfo()$running
  • r_version - the version as returned by utils::sessionInfo()$R.version$version.string
  • say_hello - a message users may add if you let them via measurementProtocol::mp_trackme_event()

googleAnalyticsR package tracking with ga_trackme

googleAnalyticsR uses the above to provide opt-in tracking of what systems its running on.

ga_trackme() is sent on package load if consent is given in the form of a file saved on the user’s computer (much like a website cookie).

You can see what is sent with the debug_call=TRUE flag - the below is sent when this RMarkdown file renders:

ga_trackme_event(debug_call = TRUE, say_hello = "Documentation is a feature")

Send your own messages if you like! I will read them in the GA4 interface.