This use case is inspired by this
post by David Neuzerling who showed how it can be done
, which is a serverless HTML service similar
to Cloud Run but on AWS.
In this use case we would like an Rmd file to be rendered each time it is requested by HTTP requests. This is opposed to scheduled renders which can host the HTML on Cloud Storage or use Cloud Run as a nginx server to host that HTML (detailed in this use case: Build an Rmd on a schedule and host its HTML)
Since the HTTP request will be executing code each time this is more expensive in compute cost and also bear in mind that although Cloud Run has execution times of up to 60mins the web browsers requesting the page will timeout in at most a minute, so the Rmd you use should not have expensive computations. If you do, schedule a build of the HTML instead.
You can see an example of the below running at
you can also deploy yourself via the following code:
deploy_folder <- system.file("cloudrun_rmarkdown", package = "googleCloudRunner")
To enable this use case we will need:
The plumber API needs to only render the Rmarkdown. I also include a separate server.R file for launching plumber in Cloud Run in the container.
The api.R
receives the parameter in the URL and passes
it into the rmarkdown
render, outputting the HTML.
#' Plot out data from the mtcars
#' @param cyl If provided, passed into Rmd rendering parameters
#' @get /
#' @serializer html
function(cyl = NULL){
# to avoid caching a timestamp is added
outfile <- sprintf("mtcars-%s.html", gsub("[^0-9]","",Sys.time()))
# render markdown to the file
params = list(cyl = cyl),
envir = new.env(),
output_file = outfile
# read html of file back in and use as response for plumber
The server.R
is generic boilerplate that launches the
plumber API within the Cloud Run container
pr <- plumber::plumb("api.R")
pr$run(host='', port=as.numeric(Sys.getenv('PORT')), swagger=TRUE)
Key parts from the example R Markdown is shown below. It is expected you modify this to something more exciting:
title: "Parameterised Cars on Cloud Run"
author: "Mark Edmondson"
date: "11/26/2021"
output: html_document
cyl: 6
The above sets up the parameter you will use later in the document
via params$cyl
- see below for its use in an R chunk within
the RMarkdown document:
# parameters are blank on first load
the_data <- mtcars
} else {
the_data <- mtcars[mtcars$cyl == params$cyl, ]
See the actual website which is rendered with the code for the full version.
The Dockerfile needs the libraries plumber, rmarkdown plus anything else you are using in your Rmd. I have an existing image with plumber installed that I build from here. This is put in the same folder as the plumber and Rmd scripts.
RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt-get -y update \
&& apt-get install -y git-core \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
libssl-dev \
make \
pandoc \
pandoc-citeproc \
RUN ["install2.r", "rmarkdown"]
COPY ["./", "./"]
ENTRYPOINT ["Rscript", "server.R"]
Once all the files are in a folder, you can point the deployment function at it to deploy it.
The deployment function will:
You can customise the steps by using the specific buildstep functions directly.
deploy_folder <- "your-folder"
You may also want to set up a build trigger so when you commit code it will update the deployed Cloud Run.